
Find out what's happening!

What's Happening...

Barnsley Table Tennis Club's junior coaching section continues to see growth and improvement across all age groups, thanks to our dedicated team of coaches and assistants. Ian Denton and Joe Race head up the junior section at Barnsley TTC, along with invaluable assistance from John Race, Thomas Clough and Ben Jackson. We have eight teams who play...

As the new year approaches, here is everything that you need to know about what's going off at the start of 2023. We're looking forward to another great year at Barnsley Table Tennis Club!

Christmas 2022


On behalf of the Leadership, I would like to thank everyone for an amazing year at Barnsley Table Tennis Club. It's been a year of achievement, success and learning. It's thanks to our team and volunteers that we are able to provide outstanding opportunities to our community. I look forward to seeing everyone in 2023!