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What's Happening...

Over the past month, our Coaching and Development and Strategy Team have worked really hard on developing our new Junior and Cadet Performance Pathway. This is designed to enhance and improve the level of coaching that we will be providing at each session. Coaches will be working with groups that are of a similar standard and ability, allowing time...

We are pleased to be hosting a Junior Open Tournament on Saturday 2 December at Barnsley Table Tennis Club. The tournament will be held in the clubs main sports hall, with the cafe open next door for refreshments and food throughout the day.

Firstly, we would like to thank everyone who came along to this years summer training camp. It has been four days of hard work, hard training and memory making.

Bookings for our summer training camps are now open and can be made via the form below. The camp is based on the running and format of international table tennis training camps. We are looking forward to some great days of training, as we continue to prepare for the upcoming season at Barnsley Table Tennis Club. The camp is...