Junior and Cadet Performance Pathway
Over the past month, our Coaching and Development and Strategy Team have worked really hard on developing our new Junior and Cadet Performance Pathway. This is designed to enhance and improve the level of coaching that we will be providing at each session. Coaches will be working with groups that are of a similar standard and ability, allowing time for focused drills and activities that are suitable for all players at the sessions.
Every child matters!
At Barnsley Table Tennis Club, we value and understand the importance of rewarding success and effort. Across all of our sessions, everyone will be encouraged to be the best that they can be, this is a part of who we are, it's part of our club's aim. We understand that not everyone is going to become a table tennis star, we are about each individual becoming their own table tennis star, in their own time, in their own comfort zone.
Our Club Aim:
Barnsley Table Tennis Club aims to inspire everyone to carry a heart for table tennis, to have a desire to improve and a passion that allows them to be the best that they can be. We aim to do this in a positive community atmosphere that provides a feeling of belonging.
Why the Performance Pathway?
This is a big change to our previous structure, and with that will come uncertainty and some difficulty in transferring over to new groups. The pathway has been created to provide a clear and visible progression path for all of our players. Players will be able to train in an environment where there is a constant level of coaching across the hall, with player of similar abilities training with each other, towards shared goals and objectives. The pathway will also make it easier for our coaches to plan, discuss and deliver sessions to the groups. This is something that we have found difficult under the current structure and we are really excited about the opportunities that are coming next week when the new structure launches.
Moving Forward
We truly are excited about what the future holds at Barnsley Table Tennis Club. We are developing new leaders and coaches, and the team are committed to the club growing and striving to be the best club in the region! Our Development and Strategy Team are providing lots of support and insight into how we further improve the outstanding services that we already deliver. We are committed to producing top table tennis players, as well as providing a safe and welcoming space for players who simply want to enjoy the sport and the opportunities that come with it. We are so excited about opportunities such as the trip to Denmark next summer, this is another thing that the team are working so hard to deliver for the good of our players. Things like this create memories and provide opportunities that do not come around at other clubs.
Our Statement of Excellence:
Barnsley TTC is a place of excellent people!
Barnsley TTC is a place of excellent personalities!
Barnsley TTC is a place of excellent friendships!
Barnsley TTC exists to provide excellent coaching, teaching and social opportunities!
We have excellent attitudes!
Excellence is what we strive for!