Junior and Cadet Coaching
Barnsley Table Tennis Club actively seeks to invest in young players through good coaching and teaching. Our Performance Pathway has been designed to enable players of all ages and abilities to enjoy the sport. We are proud to be the biggest table tennis club in Barnsley, providing outstanding coaching and teaching opportunities to all of our players.
Barnsley Table Tennis Club aims to inspire everyone to carry a heart for table tennis. This is at the core of everything that we do. Our coaches have a passion and love for the sport, and we aim to pass this on to the younger generation of table tennis players. We understand the importance of recognition and rewarding success, we constantly remind our players that 'they are able'.
We regularly take part in competitions and league matches. Barnsley TTC has six teams playing in the junior league at the English Institute of Sport in Sheffield. We look forward to entering more teams next season as we continue our growth. We also have three teams in the National Junior and Cadet League which is played in Huddersfield. Our division 1 team currently sit top of the table. If your child is interested in playing in a team, please speak with a member of our coaching team who will be more than happy to help.
For more information on junior coaching, please contact - joe@barnsleytabletennisclub.co.uk
Our Junior and Cadet Performance Pathway
Coaching sessions for newer players and beginners. Our coaches provide a fun and engaging introduction to table tennis, through engaging games, activities and training exercises.
Coaching on a closer basis, further developing the skills and knowledge of our players who compete in Junior League Events. Players train in small groups with their coach, taking part in focused drills and activities.
Coaching sessions with a focus on players who are competing at tournament level. Players train in small groups taking part in fitness, off the table exercises, as well as all important table tennis training such as multi ball, focused drills and activities.
When are the sessions?
Tuesday 17:00-18:30 (Aspire)
Thursday 17:00-18:30 (Development)
Friday 16:30-18:00 (Performance)
Saturday 09:00-10:30 (Development)
Saturday 10:40-12:10 (Performance)
How much are the sessions?
The cost is £4 per session.